What is it?
Introducing the spinefix, the UK's best-selling posture corrector and back stretcher NOW IN PAKISTAN. with an upgrade of acupressure points. Eliminate back pain, bad posture, and neck pain by simply using once a day for 7-10 minutes, it's easy!

You can't put a price on good posture. Our stretcher has been shown to improve posture in 2 weeks.

Instantly eliminate back pain
Daily activities, sitting all day, extended computer usage, or physical activities can lead to spine and posture imbalances. Say goodbye to sciatica pain and poor posture, and discover the ultimate back pain relief tool, with spinefix.
Whether you experience it as a sharp, searing pain or a dull ache, back pain can be a severe problem. If you don't take care of your back, it can be detrimental to your long-term health and quality of life.
Our Back Stretcher is a simple, non-surgical way to create space between the vertebrae, fight lower to mid back pain, and improve posture. it's one-size-fits-all, 100% safe, and easy to use.
Key Benefits
- Naturally fix postural imbalances.
- Relieve back & neck pain.
- 3 adjustment levels.
- Easy to use.
- Stress & anxiety relieving.
Package Includes:
1x Multi-Level Adjustable Posture Corrector & Back Stretcher W/o Massage Beads
1x Mini Massager